After a three-year, Covid-imposed, hiatus, it’s great to be able to say that Glastonbury is back. That means five glorious days of some of the very best in musical entertainment, five days of basking in the sun (well, hopefully), and five days of creating memories that will last a lifetime.
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When it comes to attending Glastonbury, you’ll find that there are many seasoned festivalgoers. Many have experienced Glasto numerous times over. The thing is though, at some point, they were attending their first, and they would no doubt attest that it was a little overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together these tips: so you can make the most of your very first Glastonbury Festival.

Don’t try and compare
First things first. Glasto is unique. When you look at the size of the festival, the artists, and the overall atmosphere, no other music festival comes close. It’s important not to turn up at Glastonbury and think that, just because you went to Leeds once, you know what to expect.
Now, this isn’t said to scare you off. What we’re saying is that Glastonbury is its own unique blend of awesome. Be prepared to enjoy something new that you just can’t find anywhere else.
Be friendly
At Glastonbury, you’re all in it together. Come rain or shine, the festivalgoers are all there for the same reason: to have a great time. When you see swathes of strangers wandering around, be nice! When you’re nice you’ll find that they’re nice back. That’s the thing with Glasto. it has a community, almost family type of feel to it where everyone just gets along.
The same is even true of the staff. From the organisers to the security stewards, there is something unique about the atmosphere here. The organiser of Croissant Neuf, Sally Howell, has recently spoken to Betway Online Casino. When referring to the stewards, this is what she had to say, “You get a lot of the same faces back every year, they’re like family. That’s what creates that community feeling”.
Accept that you’re not going to do it all
Your first outing to Glasto needs to be with your eyes wide open. The thing is, there is just so much going on that, even during five days, it’s impossible to do it all. Yes, there’s great music, but there are also circus acts, comedy, food and drink tents, and a host of other entertainers.
Focus on your ‘must do’ activities. If you try and fit it all in not only will you fail, but you’ll probably miss out on what you really wanted to see.
Just remember – Glasto is huge
With over 100 different stages spread across 30 different areas, this festival is big! Add to that the fact that there will be over 200,000 people there and it can feel a little overwhelming. Make sure that you know just what to expect and don’t be put off by the sheer enormity that’s evident. Be sure to stick with friends and look out for each other and, most importantly, just have fun.