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„Aus rechtlichen Gründen kann dieser Teil der Sendung leider nicht gezeigt werden.“ Diesen Satz bekommt zu lesen, wer in der ...
„Aus rechtlichen Gründen kann dieser Teil der Sendung leider nicht gezeigt werden.“ Diesen Satz bekommt zu lesen, wer in der ...
RUS President Vladimir Putin on Thursday claimed that Ukrainian fighters had entered Russian territory and carried out a "terrorist attack". ...
Dhe heavy explosion on the Crimean bridge, which is important for Russia, has raised international fears of a further escalation ...
In Moscow should be celebrated. Later on Friday, crowds are expected to gather in Red Square for a concert "in ...
Resentment about the mass mobilization is spreading in the regions. A military commissioner was shot at in the Irkutsk region, ...
So it could work if a member of parliament is recruited by the Russian secret service: The member of parliament ...
Vn Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula occupied in 2014, there should only be good news for viewers of Russian state television ...
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