Why life expectancy gains in Europe stalled—and how some countries stayed ahead
New research reveals why life expectancy gains have slowed across Europe—and how proactive policies in some countries helped them weather ...
New research reveals why life expectancy gains have slowed across Europe—and how proactive policies in some countries helped them weather ...
Paxlovid does not significantly reduce COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality among vaccinated older adults, according to new UCLA-led research. The study ...
New research reveals how your diet choices impact your lifespan—nutrient-rich foods like nuts and whole grains lower mortality risk, while ...
A new study led by researchers from Oxford Population Health has shown that a range of environmental factors, including lifestyle ...
New research pinpoints faulty branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) metabolism as a driving force behind sarcopenia, highlighting a potential pathway to ...
Antidepressants like Prozac are commonly prescribed to treat mental health disorders, but new research suggests they could also protect against ...
Study finds significant reductions in drinks per drinking day and alcohol craving, with potential benefits for smoking reduction Study: Once-Weekly ...
Citing the hundreds of lives lost to extreme heat each year, California state housing officials are urging lawmakers to set ...
Secondary prevention medications for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are underused globally and additional strategies to increase their use are needed to ...
Researchers have long known that patients who leave emergency departments before medically advised use more emergency care services, are more ...
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