Dhe traffic light government made some changes in its first year. These reforms will take effect in the new year 2023:
child support
The child benefit should January 1st rise to a uniform 250 euros per month and child. That means a plus of 31 euros for the first and second child and a plus of 25 euros per month for the third child.
Electricity and gas price brakes
Many gas and electricity customers can March expect a relief: Then the planned price brakes should start. Gas consumers are to be guaranteed a gross price of 12 cents per kilowatt hour for 80 percent of their current consumption. Similarly, 40 cents per kilowatt hour are planned for electricity. The benefits should also apply retrospectively for January and February after the start.
Energy flat rate for students
Students and technical students should receive a flat rate of 200 euros to mitigate the increased costs. Around 2.95 million students who were enrolled at a university in Germany as of December 1 are eligible to apply. The federal and state governments are still working on a central application platform, and the money is expected to be paid out beginning of the year.
housing benefit
More households should go January be relieved with a state rent subsidy: Up to 1.4 million more households are to be added to the 600,000 housing benefit households so far. The housing allowance is also to be increased by an average of 190 euros per month. This means that eligible households receive an average of around 370 euros per month. Households that do not receive social benefits but still have little money can apply for housing benefit.
Air conditioning fee for heating
Landlords have to get off January in many cases participate in the climate tax of their tenants for heating. The so-called CO2 price is divided between tenants and landlords according to a tiered model. The less climate-friendly the house is, the more the landlord has to take on. So far, tenants have had to pay the levy, which is intended to help reduce climate-damaging carbon dioxide emissions.
Deadline for property tax returns
Homeowners must file their property tax returns until end of January hand over. The original deadline was the end of October. Because of the slow entrance it was lengthened.
49 euro ticket
In the new year, you should be able to use local public transport for 49 euros a month throughout Germany. It is still unclear when the successor to the 9-euro ticket will start. It was originally supposed to start in early 2023. Now are March or April in conversation.
nuclear phase-out
Mid-April the last German nuclear reactors go offline. The Isar 2, Neckarwestheim 2 and Emsland power plants should have been shut down at the turn of the year as part of the nuclear phase-out, but the term was extended due to the energy crisis.
citizen money
Citizens’ income replaces the Hartz IV system in January. The payments in the basic security increase by more than 50 euros, single people will receive 502 euros in the future. Significant parts of the reform are taking effect July 1 in force. The job centers should be able to take better care of the unemployed. The placement in permanent work instead of simple helper jobs should be better than before.
pension increase
Pensioners can probably expect more money in the coming year. In West Germany, pensions are to be July by around 3.5 percent and in eastern Germany by a good 4.2 percent. The dates are provisional and will be clear in the spring.
tobacco tax
Taxes on cigarettes, cigarillos and tobacco are increasing. Packs of 20 cigarettes will cost an average of 18 cents more in future.
Rising health insurance contributions
Health insurance contributions – currently an average of 15.9 percent – are expected to increase by 0.3 points to an average of 16.2 percent.
In the future, restaurants, bistros and cafés will also have to offer drinks and food for on the go in reusable containers.
Promotion of electric cars
Buyers of plug-in hybrid vehicles will no longer receive federal funding from 2023. In addition, the premiums for purely electric vehicles are falling. Funding will be limited to private individuals as of September 1st.
Electronic certificate of incapacity for work
From 2023 onwards, employers are obliged to participate in the notification procedure for the electronic certificate of incapacity for work (eAU). Sick employees who are legally insured no longer have to present their employer with a paper certificate of incapacitation, but in practice they receive a printout for their records.
Changes in midi jobs
In the case of so-called midi jobs, the earnings limit increases. Employees in this group may earn 2,000 euros instead of 1,600 euros in the future. Up to this limit, employees have to pay lower social security contributions.
Tax concession for LPG
Anyone who fills up their vehicle with autogas, also known as LPG, will have to dig deeper into their pockets from 2023. A tax concession expires and the regular tax rate of 409 euros per ton applies. However, according to the ADAC, the taxes are cheaper than for petrol or diesel.
photovoltaic systems
There are simplifications for owners of solar systems in the new year. For some systems, there is no obligation to have a special generator electricity meter installed. Some regulations of the new Renewable Energy Sources Act 2023 are already taking effect.
truck toll
The truck toll on Germany’s trunk roads will be increased in 2023. Noise and air pollution costs are given more consideration when calculating the rates.
Supply Chain Law
From 2023, the Supply Chain Act will apply to companies with more than 3000 employees. The aim is to protect human rights in international supply chains. It obliges companies to react to abuses when purchasing material from abroad. Aid organizations and trade unions are given the opportunity to represent those affected before German courts in the event of violations.
income tax
The basic tax allowance – i.e. the income up to which no tax has to be paid – increases by 561 euros to 10,908 euros. The top tax rate of 42 percent, which is currently applicable from a taxable income of 58,597 euros, will be due next year from 62,810 euros.
Higher home office flat rate
In the future, instead of 600, up to 1000 euros home office flat rate can be applied to the tax return. The lump sum is one of the income-related expenses, for which all taxpayers are credited 1200 euros anyway. Only those who get over this amount with a home office flat rate and other expenses benefit.