Backwood Cigars have been one of the most well-known brands for a very long time. Since the early 1970s, the brand has been successful. It still maintains its position in the tobacco industry. To uphold a long legacy of excellence, The Backwoods Cigar offers natural tobacco with a rustic flavor.
Backwoods cigars are an absolute treat for younger smokers over the age of 21. Backwoods cigars are the most popular machine-made cigars and the fastest-growing brand because of their mild. These cigars have a variety of flavors and are sure to please any palate.
History of backwoods cigars:
The American cigar brand Backwoods was introduced in 1973. Backwood Smokes initially only offered a small range of products. But over time, this little product line grew in popularity. During the 1970s and 1980s, this product was well-known for its extensive advertising.
The company focused on promoting backwood cigars as an all-natural alternative to cigarettes. It eventually developed a range of flavors to expand its product line, keeping the brand up until today. The backwoods cigars are best for outdoor activities and social gatherings. Now, it has become an essential tobacco product for house gatherings.
The reason behind Backwoods Cigars’ popularity:
They are typically recognized for their appearance and packaging, which stands out because of the vibrant colors used to design them. A Backwoods cigar rolled by a machine and wrapped with a Connecticut broadleaf. It is a cutting-edge natural tobacco product for modern lovers of aromatic cigarettes. It has an unfinished head, a tapering body, and Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed within, giving off a vintage Americana feel. Due to this combination, Backwoods is one of the most well-known cigar brands in the USA.
How much do Backwood Cigars cost?
They are affordable cigars that still give the highest level of quality you’d expect from a well-known brand. Depending on how many cigars are inside, the cost of a box will typically range between $30 and $50. It would be the perfect choice for smokers who want to buy reasonably priced cigars.
Backwoods Cigars’ wide range:
Backwoods cigars are the ideal cigar for those who prefer the feel of a hand-rolled cigar at a reasonable rate. There are numerous delicious Backwood flavors of Cigars, including Honey, Sweet Aromatic, Honey Berry, Banana, Dark Stout, Russian Cream Backwood, Honey Bourbon, Cognac XO, Black Russian and Original. Available in 8-packs with five cigars in each sealed pack and economic Backwoods boxes of 24. Since its inception, Backwoods smokes has expanded its range of cigars.
You may be sure that there will be a flavor that appeals to you because of the wide range of tastes they offer. You won’t have to worry about not finding one to suit your tastes. For running errands, taking a break for lunch, or any other time you need savory flavors, Backwoods smokes are sure to become your favorite pick!
Favorite flavors of Backwoods Cigars:
Let’s discuss a few backwoods flavors that are very famous.
- Banana Backwoods :
A lot of people want Banana Backwoods Cigars. Banana backwoods Cigars are in high demand. Banana Backwood is an all-natural, rustic cigar with a distinctive wrapper combined with the flavor of delicious bananas.
There is a huge fan base for this highly recognized flavor. Banana backwoods has a creamy, silky, and sweet taste and scent. Backwoods cigars are always of the highest caliber since they are made using quality Dominican tobaccos. Eight sealed foil pouches containing five cigars are available in Backwoods Banana boxes.
- Russian cream backwoods:
Backwoods Cream Cigars are western-style cigars with a rustic appearance. Backwoods Russian cream cigars provide a wild taste combination wrapped in a natural leaf wrapper.
Backwoods Russian cream has a smooth creaminess and flavors of custard, vanilla, and dark coffee.
These Backwoods dessert-inspired treats come in 8-packs. Each pack contains five cigars for a total of 40 clouds of smoke. They are affordable as well as tasty.
- Honey Backwoods Cigars:
The Backwood flavor Honey cigars are delightful small machine-made cigars that provide the ideal balance of sweet honey and natural tobacco. Backwoods honey cigars are the perfect choice if you’re seeking a cigar with a lovely aroma. The aromatic flavor of pure honey and corn makes the Backwoods flavor “Honey bourbon mix” so appealing. The natural honey flavor of the Backwoods honey brand can calm your emotions.
Which store sells Backwood Cigars?
Tobacco Stock is an excellent place to get Backwood Cigars. You can choose from a wide range of Backwood Cigar products, so you’re sure to discover one with the flavor you like. If the location is too far from your neighborhood, you may check their online store, which offers to ship the products you wish to buy. Reach us at (844) 877-6653 ext. 333!