Putting down some groundwork to get things started
You should have some experience raising the sail on dry land before you attempt to do it for the first time out at sea. This will give you a better idea of how the wind will influence your rig and how to adjust accordingly.
To make a weathervane out of the sail, plant the bottom of the mast in sand or grass, raise the sail, and allow it to luff, or blow downwind, like a flag.
It is essential to maintain the direction set by the board in mind at all times.
Leaving Behind
To properly assemble the windsurfing board, mast, sail, and harness, be sure to follow the instructions provided.
Before mounting the base of the mast, you need to check and make sure that the step hole does not contain any sand.
The mast base may be moved to a location in the water where it can be bolted into place, and then the whole assembly can be moved to a location where the water is around hip deep. Adjust the orientation of the board so that it faces in the appropriate direction.
Keep your back to the wind and sail downwind so that you are parallel to the board and totally spread out in the water. Sail downwind while maintaining the board perpendicular to you.
Gather the uphaul line when you are kneeling on the board with one leg on each side of the mast and the sail facing you. To know more about windsurfing, please visit https://easy-surfshop.com/.
Bringing in the Sails to Dock
When sailing, you should tilt your body back and draw in on the uphaul line if the wind is at your back.
Maintain an upright posture and contract the muscles in your legs in order to pull the sail away from the water.
The procedure is going to be difficult at first, but you will see a change when the water has been drained from the sail and after you have raised it.
It is necessary to lift the sail using the uphaul line in order to have access to the front handle of the boom.
When sailing against a headwind, you should pull in the sails until the rear ends of the booms are visible above the water. This will cause the sail to act like a weather vane.
Putting a Boat Afloat
Grab a hold of the boom with both hands. 6–8 inches behind the mast with the hand that is closest to the nose of the board (the hand that is holding the mast), then transfer to the hand that is gripping the handle of the boom.
After releasing your grip on the front of the boom, angle the mast such that the front of the board is perpendicular to the mast.
You can use your free hand as a “sheet hand” by moving it back about the width of a shoulder and grabbing the boom with it.
While doing so, tilt the mast so that it is slightly ahead of the board’s nose and haul in the sheet hod.
Repeat the movement after moving your back foot about one foot backwards. The process must be effective in order for there to be a short amount of time spent on it.
You should just go on moving on with your journey.
Beginner surfers who try to turn upwind at this time often end up falling backwards off their boards as the sail luffs and the board begs.
The mast is not inclined far enough toward the nose of the board, which results in the board pointing towards the surf.