On parole since his arrest last August, Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was able to leave France on Saturday. In the wake of this announcement, the tone of The Open Network has seen its price fly away. Let's see it more closely.
Pavel Durov leaves France for “several weeksยปยป
Last summer, The founder of Telegram Pavel Durov made the headlinesafter being arrested at Le Bourget airport on August 24, 2024. Quickly implicated for 12 charges by the Paris prosecutor's office, the entrepreneur is notably accused, through his social network, of not cooperating sufficiently with the authorities during the requisitions.
Quickly, Pavel Durov was released and placed under judicial supervision, for a deposit of 5 million euros and the obligation to point in a police station 2 times a week.
This week, the investigating judge in charge of the file has agreed to a relaxation of his judicial control. Thus, Pavel Durov received authorization to leave France on Saturday for “several weeksยป, With the project to fly to Dubai, according to a person close to the file.
๐ก Discover our PAVEL DUROV presentation sheet
Crypto side, The reaction of the tone was not long in coming. Indeed, the token of The Open Network, a blockchain closely linked to Telegram, increased by more than 18 % in 24 hours and reaches a price of 3.46 dollars per unit when writing these lines.
Thus, this increase slightly compensates for the difficult start to the active year:
Tone in daily data
๐ To go further-What is The Open Network (tone)?
Despite this great short -term performance, this is not yet enough to catch up with the losses recorded since the start of the case, before which the tone was exchanged at double its current price.
For the time being, Pavel Durov has not yet spoken on his social networks.
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Sources: tradingView, 20 minutes, Image: Steve Jennings via Flickr (CC by 2.0)
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