While the Ethereum ecosystem is plagued by many criticisms, a highly anticipated layer 2 could reverse this dynamic. This blockchain is Megaeth and she has just deployed her testnet.
A blockchain eagerly awaited by the Ethereum community
While the feeling of fear around the Ethereum blockchain is at its climax, especially because of the price of Ether, the Layer 2, these blockchain overlay, continue to create.
Today is the launch of the Megaeth testnet, a new Layer 2 on the Ethereum blockchain, with great ambitions.
Although the Ethereum ecosystem already has many overlaying blockchains, Megaeth is distinguished from his fellow men by announcing that he is able to support 20,000 transactions per second, with an end of less than 10ms.
📙 What is a Layer 2 and what is it for?
Thus, Megaeth seems to be an ultra blockchain, or rather Mega-Performante. In addition, the approach of this project in terms of fundraising is to be emphasized. While Most crypto projects are massively funded by venture capital companiesMegaeth gave the opportunity to a reduced number of people involved in the web3 to invest in the project via the sale of NFT.
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Megaeth testnet is available
With the launch of its testnet today, Megaeth invites users to come and explore the ” various applications »Available on its network.
This will require tokens via the official Faucet of the project. About 190,000 wallets have already received the precious sesame Via an Airdrop directly in their wallets.
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In addition, Megaeth specifies that this operation only took him 15 seconds, a performance to say the least remarkable.
Although Megaeth has announced that participation in his testnet would not be a criterion for Ardrop potential, It is not impossible to get involved in this direction allows you to access the next fundraising of the project. Or to be eligible for an Airdrop, since this is often kept secret until D -Day.
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Source: Megaeth
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