There’s something so peaceful and breathtaking while seeing a large school of fish swimming and vacillating in perfect harmony. Adding a school of colorful fish to your tank can make it breathtaking. One of the calmest things about keeping an aquarium is seeing fish behave like they do in real life. This is best observable with schooling fish. If you’re looking for a beautiful schooling fish for an eco-friendly aquarium the following species are easy to care for and will look amazing in your aquarium.

Neon Tetra
Tetras are schooling fish from the family Characidae. They are peaceful, colorful, and mostly serene, making them ideal for community aquariums or any other aquarium. Common beginner tetras include red eye, black skirt, serpae, and bloodfins, but neons, gold, diamond head, and glowlights and lemon tetras can be good choices too.
These peaceful schooling fish do finest in minimum numbers of 10-15. But in most cases, they are kept in smaller schools of 3-5 in home aquariums. These fishes need to be in a group to feel happier, the more the better. Neon Tetras are quite small, making them a suitable schooling fish for any kind of tank. They’re resistant, cheap, and attractive.

Black Skirt Tetra
The adult size of the Black Skirt Tetra is little more than 1 inch. These are suitable for small aquariums. They are larger than neons and a healthier choice if you have bigger fish in your tank. Their chunky little bodies with black stripes and elegant black fins make them shrill-looking fish they are schooling fish and should always keep in the form of a group. They make a lovely addition to a larger community aquarium, as they are peaceful and easy to handle.
Being a small creature, the Black Neon Tetra doesn’t need much space. But as they’re schooling fish, you should keep about 3 to 6 of them together. A tank of about 20 gallons would be appropriate for a small school of Black Skirt Tetras.

Rosy Tetras
Hyphessobrycon rosaceous or Rosy Tetra is a peaceful schooling fish for the community aquarium Rosy tetras are a non-aggressive and beautiful schooling aquarium fish, characterized by variations of colors. You can find them in shades of red on their bodies with fins having black markings. The fish can get used to different conditions but not in hard water. Rosy tetras can grow up to 1.2 inches and a maximum size of 2 inches. That is why it is good to keep not less than 5 Rosy tetras in a single tank.
These fish usually boom in warm water with temperatures ranging between 73 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The ideal pH for their endurance should range from 5.5 to 8. While preparing their aquariums, ensure that you include live plants, subdued areas, and darker substrates to emulate their natural habitat.

Harlequin Rasboras
Rasboras are schooling fish belonging to the family of Cyprinidae, which means they are related to barbs, danios, goldfish, and koi. These fishes are peaceful, non-aggressive, and colorful. Most of these species grow to less than 4 inches, so they are comfortable in small to mid-size aquariums. The fun fact about these fish is that they can breed in a well-planted aquarium without any assistance from an aquarist and give satisfying results.
These fish are social and peaceful but possible to get anxious in the presence of larger fish. The fish do well in schools of about 6 to 8 beings and can co-exist tranquility with other fish in a tank of any size. You can keep them in a tank with a size of 10 or more gallons. The water temperature should be ranged between 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH of 5.5 to 7.0.

Celestial Pearl Danio
Celestial Pearl Danio is also called Galaxy Rasbora. They are smooth, spotted fish with optimistic fins. Their adult is 1 inch at the maximum, which will let you keep a group of 6-8 in smaller tanks. Their inherent environment is small, low ponds with heavy plant life. They’re perfect for small tanks.
Pearl Danio is sexually dimorphic. The males have brighter colors and occasionally red on the belly. Try to have an equal ratio of males to females. It’ll make the entire school healthier. These fish are comparatively new to the aquarium trade, but they signify an exciting opportunity for small tank holders.
Although many type of aquarium fish are well-known to form schools at a certain time in their lives generally as newborns. But for safety reasons; tetras, barbs, danios, rasboras, and rainbow fish, along with certain types of loaches and Corydoras catfish, are well-thought-out schooling fish as adults. They should be bought in groups of as a minimum as 6 individuals and even more for an eco-friendly environment. Long, wide aquariums that offer enough swimming distance are desired over tall, narrow ones. Fishes are naturally social living beings that feel most comfortable when encircled by their kind, so the more the happier.
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