Users of the online payment platform PayPal have to take care of fraudsters. With a new method, the fraudsters get their money and data.
The consumer advice center warns of a phishing email of PayPal customers. In the subject of the email, it is announced that a refund of $ 65 is available. The personal PayPal data should then be verified via a link button. As a result, these land directly in the hands of the fraudsters, who could do a lot of damage and even take over the account completely.
Phishing mail goes to numerous PayPal customers

The mail will be sent to a large number of PayPal customers. It can be seen from the English -language salutation and the American currency unit.
According to the consumer center, signs of phishing are a lack of salutation, a dubious sending address, links within the mail, the English language for a German customer, an inappropriate currency unit and the lack of contact address (“Your Company email”). It is not the first PayPal fraud in the past few weeks.
So you should process the wrong PayPal email
Phishing emails should be moved unanswered to the spam folder. In the event of uncertainties, you can check on the official PayPal page and in the app whether similar requests can be found.