When it comes to Anime artists, the world is full of creatives that explore their talents in so many diverse ways. Well, for Richard Smith, it’s all about shoes. The creator and mastermind behind AyukoShop creates custom designs that are printed on shoes, and the results are pretty rad.
Whether you’re looking to elevate your shoe game, or wanna update a pair of kicks to match your unique style, AyukoShop knows exactly what it’s doing.

The idea first came about right at the start of the pandemic when Richard Smith began watching sneaker customizing videos and decided to take a shot at designing a pair for himself.
“I started by buying a pair of AF1’s, some leather paint and paintbrushes and got to work! I got lots of positive feedback, so I decided to take my business to the next level and partnered with a production facility that sews and stitches the shoes. Now every pair of sneakers is designed by me and my team and be ordered multiple times. No long waiting times any more.” Richard said.
And so, AyukoShop was born.
Richard creates just about any design onto your shoes from Naruto characters, pokemon figures, and of course, anything anime.

AyukoShop works closely with her clients for custom orders and has quite the process to ensure the end result is exactly what you’re looking for.
Customers can send over a reference pic to give more clarity regarding the overall vibe of the design.
“Together with the customer, we discuss which elements to keep or to modify (such as placement, sizing, colours) until the customer is satisfied with the result. That’s when I get to sketching/painting!” Toca said.

The mastery behind the designs is certainly worth noting. Not only is the art form itself impressive, but Richard’s intricate attention to detail is not to be missed, especially with his many anime sneakers.
As for the future of AyukoShop, Richard really wants to expand his love for shoes and anime across the city.

“It would definitely make me happy to see anime lovers being able to represent their love by wearing my designs. It’s something that’s still in the works, so stay tuned!” Richard said.
Now, with spring well underway, it could be time to freshen up your sneaker game and get a custom pair that’s exclusively available at Ayukoshop.