Use these tips to find out what content you've already watched on Netflix and how you can get more personalized streaming suggestions.
Many Netflix customers lose track of which series and films they have already watched over time. However, the streaming service offers a function that solves this problem. It also allows users to turn off suggestions for further viewing if, for example, the first episodes of a series were not convincing. This also influences the other recommendations that users receive.
How can I view the series and films I have watched?
If you want to check your viewing history, you will need to log into Netflix using a web browser. From there, you can select the person's profile and open their account page. Under the options “Edit Settings” and then “Viewing History” you will see the content that has been watched. If necessary, click “See More” to see all the content. There is also a “Download All” option that will allow you to download a list of all the content you have watched in a spreadsheet format. The CSV file can then be opened using a spreadsheet program of your choice.
Remove unwanted titles from the list
In the “Title History” submenu, you can also hide or delete titles of series or films by clicking on the crossed-out circle icon. This can be useful for removing content that you have only watched superficially from the “Continue Watching” list. These titles will then no longer be shown as watched and will no longer influence Netflix recommendations, as the streaming service confirms.
This means that if a user didn't like a cheesy romantic film or a heavy action movie, for example, they won't receive any more suggestions based on the title they watched once it's removed. According to Netflix, it can take up to 24 hours for hidden content to disappear from all connected devices. However, this feature isn't available for children's profiles.
You can also remove films and series from the “Continue Watching” list without having to access the “Title History”. On supported devices, you can use the “Remove from Series” function via a small X on the content or via the detailed information of a film or series.
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