Built with wood: Renewable raw materials are considered sustainable building materials, but are often more expensive than conventional production. As so often, the price plays a role on the way to climate neutrality that should not be underestimated.
Image: Imago
Why concrete is too cheap, which heat pump heats better and what helps against child labor: the building contractor Dagmar Fritz-Kramer gives instructions on sustainable building.
Ms. Fritz-Kramer, you have been building ecological houses for decades. How does someone who wants to build sustainably have to proceed?
That’s easy: you have to want it! This requires a plan and a good architect. Unfortunately, many offices are still very conventional.
How do I recognize the right architect?
Good planners have already worked with CO2 balancing, recycled building materials and wood. That should show up on the website.
The architect is then told: Please build sustainably – and everything is fine?
Not yet. The first thing to do is to choose the right material, which goes hand in hand with the efficiency of the design and construction. Secondly, the architect’s planning decides whether it is possible to build efficiently with sustainable materials. And third, it’s also about the companies building the house, their energy use, and the supply chains.