WhatsApp provides an updated option for sorting chat histories. This way you can coordinate your favorites according to the latest update.
Anyone who uses WhatsApp frequently will notice that the messaging app can get chaotic at times. Therefore, the Meta subsidiary has introduced a helpful feature in its latest update that makes it easier to organize your chats effectively. Here's how to use the updated feature.
With the latest feature, WhatsApp aims to make it easier for users to focus on their most important contacts and groups. This way, users can easily and quickly display chats with people and groups that are particularly important to them in the calls tab and as a filter for conversations.
WhatsApp Favorites: How the feature works
To add contacts to favorites, users can select the “Favorites” filter on the Chats screen and specify their preferred contacts or groups there. Another option is to click “Add Favorites” on the Calls tab and specify the desired contacts or groups there.
In addition, WhatsApp users can coordinate favorites in the settings. You can add or reorder your favorites at any time under “Settings > Favorites > Add to Favorites”. WhatsApp released the new feature last week – anyone who doesn't have it yet will get it “in the coming weeks,” as the company explains in its blog.
By (fski/spot)