After the error that caused computer outages worldwide, Crowdstrike thanks for overworked IT experts with a ten-dollar voucher. In the accompanying email, a top manager at the software company pointed out that the PC crashes last Friday had given employees additional work.
Crowdstrike: Voucher for the delivery service Uber Eats
“To express our gratitude, the next late night coffee or snack is on us,” the voucher for the delivery service Uber Eats said, as the financial service Bloomberg reported on Wednesday (local time). According to a spokeswoman for Crowdstrike, the voucher codes went to team members and partners who helped the company's customers restore their systems. They were not sent to customers, she told Bloomberg.
Disruptions: About 8.5 million Windows computers affected
A faulty update for IT security software from Crowdstrike caused widespread disruptions in many places around the world. An estimated 8.5 million Windows computers were affected. The consequences were particularly severe in air traffic, but some supermarkets, hospitals and television stations also had problems.
Crowdstrike has since discovered that the testing mechanisms for the software update allowed a faulty file to pass through, which then caused Windows computers to crash. The test systems are now being improved – and updates will be rolled out gradually in the future so that any problems do not affect all customers immediately.