Turnstiles can be an effective and affordable security control system for many businesses, schools, and other organizations who need to restrict entry to their premises. They are also a great solution for keeping track of visitors, students, or employee access to different areas of the property or business location.
Turnstiles are a type of revolving gate designed to allow people to pass in one direction while preventing their reverse return. They are usually found at the entrance of stadiums and other public places where there is a high volume of people coming in and out on a regular basis. They are often used as an accessible way to monitor who is coming into and leaving a building as well as keep track of attendance for visitors, students, or employees.
A turnstile access control system will generally have one or more turnstiles as its primary access control device. Let’s take a closer look at how these systems work, why they are so important, and some examples of where you might find them in use.
How Turnstile Access Control Works
A turnstile access control system will generally have one or more turnstiles as its primary access control device. It can be used to control the access of people entering and leaving as well as monitor the attendance of employees or students.
A turnstile has a locking bar in place that prevents the full extension of the rotating portion that permits the passage of people. The locking bar is controlled by an electric mechanism that can be programmed to allow passage only during certain times of day, or when the person has the necessary ‘ID token’.
Visitors, employees, or students who want to pass through the turnstile will insert an ID card or token (like a fob) into a slot near the rotating portion of the turnstile, or be able to prove their access credentials in some other way, i.e. via biometrics.
The system will then unlock the turnstile for a set period of time (typically, about 15 seconds) so that the person can pass through. Once the person has passed through, the turnstile will automatically lock again, this being done to stop tail gating.
Why Turnstile Access Control is Important
Turnstiles are a tried and true technology in almost every industry. They are an incredibly effective way of controlling access and providing an audit trail of who has been coming and going into an area. If you are an organization that needs to keep track of who is coming and going, turnstiles are a great solution. They are also an affordable access control option, which is why they are so popular in many applications. If you need to control access to a specific area, turnstiles provide a very secure method of doing so while keeping costs low. They are also durable, reliable, and easy to maintain, making them a great investment for many organizations.
Examples of Turnstile Access Control in Use
School Districts – One of the most common applications for turnstile access control is with school districts. Many schools use turnstiles at their front doors to keep track of attendance of students, as well as to prevent unauthorized access to the facility.
– Universities – Universities often use turnstiles at their front door to control access to the building as well as keep track of who is coming and going.
– Amusement Parks – Amusement parks often use turnstiles at their main entrance to control visitor access as well as to keep track of attendance and usage of the facilities.
– Retail Stores – Retail stores often use turnstiles at their front door to control visitor access and keep track of who has been in the store.
– Airports – These are areas that require careful control of all personnel and visitors, thus some form of gate system must be provided.
Summing up
Turnstiles are a tried and true method of controlling access and providing an audit trail of who has been coming and going. They are an incredibly effective way of controlling access while keeping costs low. If you need to control access to a specific area, turnstiles provide a very secure method of doing in a cost-effective manner. They are also durable, reliable, and easy to maintain, making them a great investment for many organizations.
If you want more information or advice on which sort of turnstile / speed gates / speed lane system is best suited for your organisation, then please contact the experts at Record UK. See https://www.recorduk.co.uk/en/types-of-automatic-door/security-turnstiles-by-record for more information.
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