Next year, the ticket price will be increased to ten euros on particularly busy days and charged on 45 to 60 days. In addition, there should be greater control over whether day visitors have purchased a ticket. In the 2024 travel season, the test phase for the world's first introduction of an entrance fee for visiting a city ended before the main travel month of August.
According to the Venice City Hall, the measure did not lead to a reduction in the number of visitors, and the flow of visitors was not better distributed over less busy weekdays. As a further measure, the magistrate decided that owners of properties in the old town may rent their houses and apartments to tourists for a maximum of 120 days a year.
Representatives of the opposition faction “Tutta la Città insieme” criticized the measures decided by Mayor Luigi Brugnaro and his liberal-conservative majority in the city council as completely inadequate. The entrance fee did not lead to any reduction in the number of an average of 80,000 tourists who stayed in the old town every day alongside the only 49,000 permanent residents. “Nobody will let a ten euro entrance fee stop them from visiting Venice on a certain day,” said city councilor Giovanni Andrea Martini.