Bitpanda Fusion is an advanced trading platform that aggregates the order books from several exchange crypto to offer the best purchase and sale prices. What are its advantages? What are the costs of Bitpanda Fusion?
Bitpanda Fusion: a crypto platform to trader at the best price
Bitpanda Fusion is an advanced trading platform that aggregates in real time the order notebooks of several Crypto platforms Major, notably Coinbase, Binance, OKX, Kraken, Bullish, Bybit and Falconx.
Designed to meet the needs of active traders, Bitpanda Fusion allows access to the best purchase and sales prices by centralizing the offer of these different platforms on a single interface.
With this approach, the platform aims in particular traders with high activity that are looking for advanced tools, better liquidity and rapid execution of orders.
Thus, unlike exchanges, Bitpanda Fusion does not operate its own order book. It continues continuously the prices available on the main platforms and performs transactions, without recourse to intermediaries.
Optimize your crypto trading with Bitpanda Fusion
The platform supports more than 100 cryptocurrencies, exchangeable for 4 Fiat currencies (EUR, CHF, GBP, USD) and 3 Stablecoins (USDC, EURC, EURCV). Users also have several types of advanced orders to adapt their trading strategy (Limit, Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market and Take Profit Limit).
Representation of the aggregation of Bitcoin prices by Bitpanda Fusion
To use Bitpanda Fusion, it is necessary to have a Bitpanda account. Users already registered can access it directly with their usual identifiers, without additional registration.
Currently available on computer, a mobile version of Bitpanda Fusion is being developed and will soon be deployed.
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What are the advantages of Bitpanda Fusion?
Bitpanda Fusion is distinguished by several advantages which make it an advanced and efficient trading solution.
Better execution of orders : Thanks to the aggregation of order books from the main crypto platforms with high liquidity, Bitpanda Fusion provides access to the best purchase and market sales prices.
Over 700 pairs available : The platform supports more than 100 cryptocurrencies, exchangeable against the main FIAT (EUR, USD, CHF, GBP) and Stablecoins (USDC, EURC, EURCV) currency.
Free and fast deposits and withdrawals : No matter the means of payment used (Paypal, Apple Pay, Bank Card, etc.), funds are fast and free of charge.
Maximum safety standards : Cryptos of Bitpanda Fusion users are safely stored in offline storage solutions, guaranteeing optimal protection. In addition, Bitpanda Fusion respects the strictest European regulations.
Reduced Spread : By aggregating the orders of the different Crypto platforms, Bitpanda Fusion offers optimal trading conditions with reduced spreats.
Advanced tools for traders : The platform offers several types of orders, graphic analysis tools and an optimized execution speed for professional traders.
The integration of all Bitpanda features : In addition to optimized trading, Bitpanda Fusion allows you to place your cryptocurrencies in stuking and to benefit from all the functionality already available on Bitpanda.
Optimize your crypto trading with Bitpanda Fusion
What are the costs of Bitpanda Fusion?
The costs applied to Bitpanda Fusion vary depending on the volume of transactions made by the user in the last 30 days. The default costs of one are set to 0.25 % and can be reduced to 0.02 %.
Here is a summary table for Bitpanda Fusion costs:
Level | Trading volume (over 30 days) | Costs |
Level 1 | ≤ 100,000 € | 0.25 % |
Level 2 | 100,000 0.21 % |
Level 3 | € 500,000 0.17 % |
Level 4 | € 2,500,000 0.13 % |
Level 5 | € 10,000,000 0.08 % |
Level 6 | € 50,000,000 0.05 % |
Level 7 | ≥ € 250,000,000 | 0.02 % |
Currently, there are no other ways to reduce these costs. However, Bitpanda could in the future integrate advantages for holders of the Best token, as is already the case on other platform services.
👉 Token Best of Bitpanda: What benefits for holders?
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