The COVID-19 pandemic, needless to say, has been one of the most drastic social upheavals of the modern era. It’s changed everything we do, from the way we spend time together to the way we wash our hands.
It’s also changed the way we work. It’s estimated that around two-thirds of Australian workers are still working from home in part or all of the time. This change in working culture has had a domino effect. It’s also changed the way we go about securing work for our businesses.
The pandemic has delivered the world of business two outcomes to choose from – dissolve or emerge. Businesses that failed to pivot to meet the new needs of their industry dissolved, while dynamic new and established businesses emerged as leaders. It’s truly been a study in the survival of the fittest.
Companies can no longer rely on hardship funding and JobKeeper payments to make ends meet. The global economy is showing signs of recovery, and there’s still plenty of work to go around. But the businesses fighting for that work need to communicate their value even louder than before. If everyone is a standout, then nobody is.
So what does that mean for those that are left? With COVID-19 support for businesses being withdrawn around the world, many small to medium size enterprises are looking for new ways to grow. One of the best ways to do that is through grant applications.
Fortunately, one Newcastle-based grant writing business is making this new normal their own. With over 13 years of experience writing bid proposals, Ancient Wisdom Business Writers understands how the world of work has changed. They’ve developed a comprehensive skill set in the field of tender writing to win work for clients both old and new.
The team has worked across dozens of industries, from banking and finance to the health sector, and everywhere in between. They understand the nuances of what it takes to craft winning tenders, proposals, award applications, and business plans to win new business for their clients.
Successful grant writing relies on a balance of industry understanding and attention to detail. Through this balance, businesses can effectively respond to the criteria being sought by tenders and grants, while simultaneously extolling their virtues and suitability for the task.
During the pandemic, innovation was widely supported by funding – take the Post COVID-19 Innovation Collaboration Grants, for example. Today, with drastic times comes great opportunities. Now more than ever, new avenues are emerging for collaboration between governments and private businesses across all sectors.
Cities are looking to reinvigorate their cultural identities with arts grants. Real estate ventures are hoping to capitalise on a fast-moving post-pandemic market with construction tenders. Professional services in IT, education, legal, and finance are making big comebacks as working conditions begin to normalise. These are just some of the opportunities out there in the market. What’s left is for you to capitalise on them.
Ancient Wisdom Business Writers understands these monumental changes to industries around Australia. They know what to look for in a tender application, and can craft a response that wins new and better contracts for your business. They can act as a bid manager, overseeing the application process on your behalf, or as a dedicated tender writing service.
If you’re looking to stand out amongst the many new and existing businesses vying for a piece of the post-pandemic world, then you need a grant writer in your corner. Not only can they win you new business – they can establish a partnership that will help you endure the next challenging phase of world history.
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