Episode 20 of Public Key, the Chainalysis podcast, is here! In this episode, we talk with Andrew Milich, Co-founder and CEO of Skiff, about web3 communications, data ownership, and privacy.
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Public Key Episode 20 preview: Evolution of Web3 communications, Privacy on the Internet, Data ownership as a priority
In this week’s episode, Co-Founder and CEO of Skiff, Andrew Milich join our host, Ian Andrews (CMO) to discuss end-to-end privacy, data ownership and the future of web3 communications.
From building software for autonomous vehicles at SpaceX to launching a web3 native collaboration platform, Andrew has certainly had an interesting career. He and Ian discuss how Skiff is reinventing the google docs and email workspace with a focus on user privacy and data protection. The conversation highlights the challenges and opportunities for building privacy first products and how this has led to a natural affinity to the crypto ecosystem.
Quote of the episode
“But I think what does make more sense to people is that data ownership aspect, where people are so hyper aware in the Web3 space of having their wallets drained or their funds drained, that they are really sensitive about even giving out like a wallet address or a public key, because that even reveals information about you.” – Andrew Milich (Co-founder & CEO, Skiff)
Minute-by-minute episode breakdown
- (1:45) – Andrew describes going from robotics, autonomous cars and spaceX projects and moving into privacy and trust in web3 communications
- (4:05) – How SKIFF seems to be entering the web3 space leading with privacy vs. tokenomics
- (9:55) – The reinvention of google docs and workspaces but with end-to-end encryption
- (12:35) – Predictions on whether 2022 would be the year of the cryptocurrency wallet
- (17:30) – Building fundamental product experience for web3 communications
- (21:03) – How SKIFF plans to handle a Chainalysis size company with over 800 employees
- (23:55) – Why messaging products needs end-to-end encryption and privacy built in
- (27:42) – The challenges of allowing users to protect their data, while trying to add useful product features
- (29:25) – The future of SKIFF and interesting projects in the crypto ecosystem
Related resources
Check out more resources provided by Chainalysis that perfectly complement this episode of the Public Key.
- Blog: Mid-year Crypto Crime Update: Illicit Activity Falls With Rest of Market, With Some Notable Exceptions
- Website: Skiff: Private end-to-end encrypted workspace
- Article: Skiff Mail is taking on Gmail by betting on privacy and crypto
- Article: How Secure Is the Ethereum Sitting in Your MetaMask Wallet?
- Website: Chainalysis Academy
Speakers on today’s episode
- Ian Andrews * Host * (Chief Marketing Officer, Chainalysis) https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianhandrews
- Andrew Milich (Co-founder & CEO, Skiff)
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