Whenever considering a new country for the purposes of travel and recreation, everyone has two kinds of places on their minds. One of a bustling metropolis with lively nights and busy roads, whereas the other is a quite retreat towards nature and beauty. When considering South Korea though this lens, Seoul has got you covered when it comes to the bustling metropolis and busy, lively streets.
As for the latter retreat towards nature, then, after considering all the factors like travel cost, general commute times and beauty value of the places, the best place South Korea has to offer is Jeju Island.
Heaven On Earth
As many has described it so, this place has rightfully earned the title of heaven on Earth. And if there was any heaven on Earth, this place would most definitely be the most deserving of that title for itself. It is single handedly the most famous Island in South Korea and rightfully so. With pristine beaches, crystal-clear water and the most stunning topography, Jeju Island is not just a place to visit, but a reality to experience for yourself, and alongside those you love, be it your wife or your children.
Having been naturally endowed with a sub-tropical climate, everything about this place just works in complete harmony with the other things, none taking the precedence over the other, but all showing just what they can offer simultaneously. With its black-sand and white-sand beaches, this Island constitutes some of the greatest sights the human can behold, and the human senses can experience.
Water-based Activities
Not only are the beaches pristine and provide you with the most stunning recreational activities, but there is so much more to do in just the water itself. You can not only just swim on your own, but experience what it is like to scuba dive, or go snorkelling or maybe even spelunking. The quality resorts offer rafting as well, on top of that, ocean-side views that will be perfect with a mint margarita and book in hand.
The Tallest Mountain in the Country
If all of that was not even enough, the Island still has more to offer, and that is a chance to hike the tallest mountain in the country, Hallasan. Hiking to the top of which, and taking in the view it must provide is one of the most fulfilling feelings ever, just as the feeling of visiting Jeju Island is on the whole. So, what are you waiting for? Apply for the ticket now!