Three months after being arrested by the French authorities, then indicted, Pavel Durov faced a judge for the first time. The latter questioned the CEO and founder of Telegram to find out if he was involved in the illicit activities relayed or based on his platform.
The founder of Telegram questioned for the first time by French justice
Last Friday, for the first time since his arrest in August 2024 by the French authorities, Pavel Durov was questioned by a Parisian judge alongside his lawyers David-Olivier Kaminski and Christophe Ingrain.
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For several months, the founder of Telegram has been accused for not having done enough to moderate illegal content on its messaging service. Among the 12 charges, we find facilitating access to child pornography or drug trafficking.
First placed in police custody for a period of 96 hours, the co-founder of the social network was indicted by 2 investigating judges. He also had was released on bail of 5 million euros, then placed under judicial supervisionwhich requires him to report to the police station twice a week.
This December 6, Pavel Durov went to the Paris judicial court to be questioned for the first time by one of these judges. The main person concerned would have indicated TO DO ” trust in French justice ».
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Pavel Durov recognizes the challenges posed by the growing number of users of his messenger
After being released at the end of August, Pavel Durov published a long message on Telegram where he explains that he is “surprised” to be held responsible for content published by others on your social network. For him, the French approach was “misguided” :
It is totally absurd to think that the manager of a social network may be involved in criminal acts which do not concern himneither directly nor indirectly. […] Telegram complies in all respects with European rules regarding digital, it is a moderator with the same standards as other social networks.
He still recognized that the sharp increase in the number of Telegram users, which is flirting with one billion uses worldwide, had established a climate which “ had made it easier for criminals to abuse the platform”.
For Pavel Durov, “ if 99.999% of Telegram users have nothing to do with crime, the 0.001% involved in illicit activities gave the service a bad image “.
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Along with all this, Telegram had decided to review its privacy and moderation policy. From now on, email users chatting by private chat can report “ illegal content » by selecting the problematic post for review by moderators.
The CEO of Telegram also wanted to point out that it could provide the competent authorities with the IP addresses and telephone numbers of its users if necessaryand this since 2018.
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Source: Agence France Presse
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