Marketing agencies help businesses create marketing strategies and campaigns, implement marketing plans, and manage your marketing needs and goals along the way. They can in turn be sure to help you too in no end of ways and add great value to your business too. Your agency is there to help you achieve your creative vision – so make sure you utilise their help. Ask for their advice. Get their opinion.
A good relationship is key
Sometimes there can be some very simple reasons why a client might not get the most out of a marketing agency. However, it would it not be preferential to try and improve an already existing relationship. This is rather than going through a brand new agency search and selection process. This in turn is going to take up a vast amount of someone’s precious time?
Appointing a new marketing agency means getting to know each other all over again. Also, it means investing a lot time and effort from the client. Often the easiest steps to improve the client-agency relationship are so simple that they can be overlooked. There are a few easy tips that could help improve the client-agency relationship. This is as well as improve agency productivity.
Be available
We’re all busy and time is valuable. It seems over the past few years everyone is that bit busier. As most employees are often expected to take on more responsibilities, no-one ever has enough time to get through all their workload. This often leads to clients leaving their agencies to get on with their projects. Also on emails from the agency are ignored. Also, calls are re-scheduled as there are always more important items on one’s to do list.
Marketing Agencies are usually fairly self-sufficient but not receiving vital information, or a sign off on deliverables can have a knock on effect on project deadlines and maybe cause critical tasks to be delayed. Even just ten minutes to clarify a few but essential facts or sign offs can help your agency to move things along.
Overall – what you need to know too
A lot of the outlined tips touch on communication. Clients should always remember to view the agencies as an extension of their own team. It makes sense to invest a little bit time on a regular basis to brief agencies on changes or about the appointment of another supplier. Transparency will enable clients to take full advantage of the appointed agency’s capability. A worthwhile investment – wouldn’t you say? It for sure would seem so in no end of ways.