Many seniors receive home care from a caregiver so they can age at home in a familiar setting. Home health care allows seniors to live in their homes for many years, but their houses may not be as equipped to deal with the aging process.
Every day, more seniors need the aid of walkers, canes, and wheelchairs. The average home is not capable of caring for someone who uses mobility aids. The importance of home accessibility
Although it may seem like a huge undertaking, improving accessibility in a home can be done at a fraction of the cost. It can improve the quality of seniors’ lives and prevent them from falling and causing injuries.
Even for seniors who do not require a walker, a cane, or a cane, steps and stairs can pose a danger to their safety and cause serious injuries.
While some home improvements can be simple, others require more work and may require permanent home modifications.
There are many financial options available depending on the type of home modification. These include loans, Medicare benefits, loans, and non-Medicaid government assistance.
Making Home Changes
There are many things that must be done to make a home handicap accessible. These modifications can make a senior’s home safer and more functional, and improve their home care experience.
The Entrance
Accessibility improvements should be made at the entry. Senior citizens should be able easily to get into and out of their homes without any difficulty. Even if the senior is not handicapped, a handicap ramp can be a great addition to their home.
The ramp should be non-slip and wide enough to allow the senior to maneuver comfortably. It should also have handrails if it is possible.
Not all homes have enough space to accommodate a wheelchair ramp. These situations are where vertical platform lifts can be a great solution. They allow seniors to safely enter and exit their homes, even with steps.
Seniors in wheelchairs and those who need to use wide, tall walkers or large wheels can find it difficult to navigate doorways. Seniors can sometimes get stuck in doorways, which are often the narrowest spaces in the house.
Seniors’ homes can present a safety risk if they have a lot of carpeting or rugs. For seniors who are in wheelchairs, tile, and hardwood flooring work best. It is essential to replace the flooring and to fix any potential fall hazards.
Although a simple doorknob might not seem to be a big problem, it can cause accessibility problems for seniors. Seniors can be independent and mobile in their homes by installing automatic door openers. They also prevent them from getting trapped in a room.
Stairs are the most difficult part of a home for seniors with mobility issues. Sometimes caregivers can move all the items the senior needs to the main floor. Sometimes, however, this is impossible.
If stairs are not possible, it is worth installing a vertical platform lift or stairway lift on every staircase. If seniors have difficulty using stairs, this allows them to be independent and accessible in their own homes.
These lifts are great for seniors in wheelchairs and seniors with walkers. They should be able to swivel so that seniors can get in and out safely.
You can make adjustments to your kitchen depending on how often seniors use it. It is important to ensure that seniors can access all daily items, such as water, tea, and food, without having to go far.
Bathrooms are often considered to be the most dangerous room in a senior’s home. Falls are more common in the bathroom. However, there are many products that can make bathrooms accessible for those with disabilities.
Handrails are a must, especially for the toilet. There are many products that can add support to any bathroom layout, regardless of its design.
Seniors in wheelchairs will also benefit from sink accessibility. This can often be fixed by simply replacing the vanity to make it easier for those who are wheelchair-bound. The shower is last but not least.
With the assistance of their caregiver, seniors in wheelchairs or with mobility issues can use shower seats or flat-entry showers to get in and out easily.
Making small changes to the home can make any space more accessible for seniors. Seniors who receive care at home for mobility aids or other reasons should be safe. These improvements will ensure that seniors are safe and well informed.