dr Sopna Sury, Chief Operating Officer Hydrogen at RWE Generation SE, has great ambitions to advance the hydrogen business.
Image: Imago
Sopna Sury leads the RWE hydrogen strategy. The company is aiming for an enormous expansion of the business area. An important intermediate step has been reached with the first electrolysis test facility.
So nobody at RWE has as many balls in the air at the same time as Sopna Sury. When counting, the hydrogen boss comes up with at least thirty projects in Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain, dozens of partners are involved. It’s about new technologies for electrolysis, transport pipelines, funding conditions and of course the industrial customers to whom the energy giant wants to sell green gas as soon as possible. The threads come together in Sury’s office on the RWE campus in Essen. For a year and a half she has been organizing the hydrogen strategy, which marks the start of the next phase of the energy transition for RWE.
There are no empirical values, a lot is in its infancy, almost everything is in motion. “We are still in the early stages, roughly where we were with renewable energies ten or fifteen years ago. Back then, too, everyone asked themselves how this could work – and it started to work,” says the manager. RWE had set up its board department for hydrogen from scratch in order to coordinate the wide range of activities relating to gas. Produced CO2-free with wind and solar power, the green hydrogen will play a key role in climate protection and thus also in the transformation of RWE.