EIt’s good that the “Bild” newspaper is paying attention. “Who will save us from the climate rescuers?” she exclaims in a panic and reports on the latest excesses of the crazy youth: “Now they’re coming with beetroot. . The activists smeared the Federal Ministry of Transport with beetroot juice, and anyone who has ever handled the tubers carelessly in the kitchen knows that you will never get them out again. But it also shows how radical these young people have long been: When we were young ourselves, we always gave beetroot a wide berth. What will the chaotic people come up with next: lay out banana peels in the Bundestag?
Hopefully the Russians will leave the Ukraine very soon. In view of the depressing number of people who understand Putin in our latitudes, one is happy about every fellow citizen who distances himself, as Bushido has just done. He owns a St. Bernard, which the family once named Putin – not a political manifesto, as the “Bild” newspaper says, but simply a gag. Since this has become significantly less fun since February, the dog owners have acted: “As can be heard on their Instagram videos, they are now calling the faithful animal ‘Pudding’ instead of ‘Putin’,” reports “Bild”. First very hard and now very soft. Nice for the dog, annoying for Putin, who we should perhaps also just call Vladimir Pudding. Simply to further demoralize the man.
Margrethe’s dachshund
Denmark’s Queen Margrethe has two dachshunds, and the “Neue Post” describes how she puts the two in their baskets in the evening. Margrethe’s deceased husband Henrik dedicated a poem to the little animals (“Mon petit teckel”), and today “it is the Queen who quietly recites this very special poem night after night. And Celimene and Evita know exactly: When Mum speaks these melodious words, then it’s time to go to sleep.” We find that impressive and suspect that we could have saved ourselves a lot of late-evening trouble with our daughters: We would only have given them a poem over and over again have to read.
Image: FAZ
Presenter Annika Lau, at “Gala” works as Editor at Large and knows about the stressful everyday family life. In her editorial, she reflects on hobbies and comes to the conclusion: “With three children and a job, there isn’t much time left. To be honest, the only hobby I’m persistent and passionate about is my husband Freddy.” Interesting. However, she does not reveal exactly how she operates it.
Cat mats
Mary Roos’ hobby, on the other hand, seems to be consumption. “Women’s Week” According to Roos, he loves teleshopping and the catalog “The Modern Housewife” because: “Socket brushes, egg cutters, cat hammocks – this mail-order company leaves nothing to be desired.” A cat hammock only makes sense if you also have a cat. Or is that meant differently, are they hammocks made of cats?
At an antique market, on the other hand, “I bought an old milking stool,” says Roos, “on which no one will ever sit because it’s totally uncomfortable, but it just looked beautiful and I had to go with it.” Maybe she’ll order a matching cow from the catalog in the near future.
Narumol only understands the train station: Does Josef want to travel?
Which brings us to the “Bauer sucht Frau” couple Josef and Narumol, who have just said yes for a third time – for Narumol’s Thai father, for all their loved ones and for RTL 2. “There was only one small problem: Josef has made the application in Thai”, Narumol leaves “The New Journal” to know. “My daughters Jenny and Jorafina taught him the question of all questions in my language. And me? I only understood train station. He’s tried so hard. I couldn’t answer him anymore because I just laughed.” What other question, she thought, would he want to ask her on his knees: Have you milked the cows yet? Can you help me up again? Excuse me, what’s your name?
The former actor couple Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis does not speak about their separation themselves, but a former nanny is eagerly quoted in the media. With reference to her, “Bild” reports that Sudeikis “threw herself in front of Olivia Wilde’s car. To keep her from meeting Harry Styles.” Sudeikis was particularly angry “that she brought him her super salad as a gift. Topped with a family recipe dressing. Which has probably often been eaten together at the table by the Sudeikis-Wilde family.”
If you think that’s silly, imagine your own sweetheart serving someone else’s spinach lasagna. Recommend the delicious number 78 at the Asian restaurant and then nibble your favorite chips with currywurst on the sofa with him afterwards. And who knows – maybe you too will find yourself in a situation where you call out in desperation: “Take the children, take the dogs, take the antique sideboard. But grandma’s apple pie recipe stays here.”