High pressure for low pay: The scene from the documentary “The Cleaners” shows a Filipino content moderator for a large social network.
Image: Picture Alliance
The Telus company wanted to lock out its employee, who spoke in the Bundestag about the hardships of his job. The company, which works on behalf of Meta, did not get through in court. Why is there repression at all?
Dhe content moderator Cengiz Haksöz, who reported to the Digital Committee of the Bundestag in mid-June about his mentally stressful work at Telus International (FAZ of June 27), is allowed to enter the Canadian digital company’s offices again. However, it was necessary to go to the labor court, according to the Verdi union. Haksöz is now able to access all Telus premises again.
Under security supervision
The FAZ had informed Telus that negotiations were in progress with Haksöz and his lawyer so that he could get into the areas in which he had to get to prepare for the election of a works council planned for July 7th. As can be learned, this would have meant that the content moderator would only have entered a few offices and only under the supervision of the company’s own security. The labor court rejected this. Telus must revoke the barricade.