On Monday, the baby food manufacturer Milupa recalled the “Milupa milk porridge semolina porridge with cornflakes, from the 8th month” with the best before date September 30th, 2023. The company announced on Monday that only this product with the corresponding best-before date was affected. The product was shipped between July 26 and August 26, 2022.
The recall in Germany is for precautionary reasons, as it cannot be ruled out that some packages contain parts of hard plastic that may have sharp edges. This can lead to injuries in the mouth when eating.
Recall: Hard plastic parts in Milupa pulp
“We have taken immediate action to ensure our production continues to meet our strict food quality and safety standards,” a company spokeswoman said. “As far as we know, no other batches of this product with a different best-before date and no other Milupa products are affected.”