Are you familiar with the situation when several people have completely identical first and last names? Such coincidences often lead to misunderstandings and make it difficult to identify a particular person. This problem is especially relevant on the web when search engines show you other personalities instead of the ones you want to know about.
Online Namesakes
The problem of matching first and last names is familiar to everyone who uses Internet search engines. Millions of people have online profiles; there are dozens of encyclopedias on the web; and professionals in all fields have their own personal pages – sometimes several at once – on a company’s website, personal blog, or social network.
For example, the surname Soloviev is one of the most common surnames in Russia. According to statistics, it is in 22nd place on the list of the most popular Russian surnames. This means that about 22 out of 10,000 people have the surname Soloviev. The same statistics show that the name Vladislav is in 14th place on the list of the most popular names in Russia.
Given this situation, it is not surprising that there are several notable personalities with the name Vladislav and the Soloviev surname in science, business, medicine, journalism, and other industries.
Soviet Composer Vladislav Soloviev
The outstanding Soviet composer was born in 1937 in the Georgian SSR. He graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute in 1961 and from the Leningrad Conservatory as a composer in 1968. He worked as a teacher at a music school and as the chief editor of music programs on Leningrad television.
Vladislav Soloviev is the author of dozens of musical works:
- “Karbonariy” Opera (1987);
- “Capriccioso” Overture(1965);
- “Mosaic” Concert;
- “Love at All Times” Suite;
- Small School Symphony;
- Music for TV programs.
He also composed music for many Soviet songs.
Vladislav Soloviev – Political Scientist and Blogger
Vladislav Soloviev (born in 1973 in Moscow) appeared in the public sphere relatively recently, although he has been writing articles for mass media and specialized publications since around 2010. In the past, he gave up the position of first deputy and then financial director in the foreign branch of a large firm for a career as a publicist.
He has done investigative journalism and published a series of articles on global political and economic processes. He is the author of a theory about a large-scale reformation of mankind to turn “reasonable man” into “consuming man”, which the world elites started after the collapse of the USSR.
Currently, Soloviev runs a blog on the Zen channel, and his articles are periodically published in leading publications such as Kommersant, Moskovsky Komsomolets, and others. In his recent articles, Soloviev pays much attention to the “Turn to the East” and to the PRC in particular. A number of Soloviev’s articles have appeared under the alias of Honest Political Scientist. He lives with his family in Moscow.
Vladislav Soloviev – a Lecturer at Moscow State Law University
Vladislav Soloviev, a lecturer at the O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University, specializes in civil law. He is the author of a number of scientific publications in this area – articles, educational and methodological materials, and a monograph on civil and criminal cases in the Russian Federation.
In his scientific research, Vladislav Yurievich Soloviev focuses on topical issues of judicial practice and the legislative framework of document management in Russia.
Pediatric Cardiologist Vladislav Soloviev
Vladislav Soloviev, a renowned pediatric cardiologist, works at the Veltischev Clinical Research Institute of Pediatrics in Moscow. He has extensive experience in pediatric cardiology and is known for his effective approach to the diagnosis and treatment of heart and vascular diseases in children.
How to Solve the Problem of Namesake Personalities
These are just a few of the many examples of full coincidences of first and last names in Runet. The problem of disambiguation (lexical polysemy) can be solved by creating special online pages where all profiles of people with the same first and last names will be collected. These pages will contain additional data for the identification of the person needed by the user. Such a solution is relevant not only in terms of search convenience but also for clear identification of people in business, medicine, and education.
For ordinary users, an additional marker in the first and last name of the person of interest will be a convenient way – for example: composer Vladislav Soloviev or political scientist Vladislav Soloviev. This approach is relevant for professionals promoting their business or personal brand online.
There is also a more technological digital solution called ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). This is a unique identifier developed in the USA which will help establish the uniqueness of a person and link him/her to the research and works belonging to that individual.
A similar system called UDI (Universal Digital Identifier) has been developed in Minsk. With its help, everyone can get a personal unique identifier in order to avoid confusion with other people who have a similar first and last name.
The number of Internet users on the planet is constantly growing. In the future, problems with identical first and last names will arise more and more often, which means that technological solutions in this area will most surely be in demand.