So you want to go to church again at Christmas – because it’s simply part of it or just for grandma’s sake – but you’re a little shy and even less aware of the customs in a church? Or do you otherwise visit a mosque or synagogue?
We give an overview of when you can sing out loud, what you should avoid if possible and what is expected of the visitor to a church service. And can I come at all, even though I’m not baptized or have left the church long ago?
You little children are coming – all of them
First of all, don’t be shy, but show respect. The church does not want to exclude anyone, emphasizes Professor Jochen Arnold, director of the Evangelical Center for Worship and Church Music in the Michaeliskloster Hildesheim, a competence center of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD): “You can take this view at its word.”
The Church is open to all people, whether baptized or not. You don’t have to be a member or you can be a member to attend a service. Worship services are fundamentally public events, says Arnold.
Holy water at the entrance
In Catholic churches there is a small basin or similar container with water at the entrance. Warning, this is holy water. Please do not wash your hands with it or splash it on your face.
Believers moisten their thumbs and forefingers with it and cross themselves, so they first move the fingers of their right hand from their forehead to their chest, and from there from their left to their right shoulder. They say “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”.
This is not a must for non-Catholics.
Do I have to be smartly dressed?
In the church we see others and are seen by others. The style of clothing should be based on this. It’s like the rest of life. In principle, however, there are no guidelines as to how one has to dress in church.
People used to go to church in “Sunday best”, i.e. in particularly festive clothing, because that was the custom. Today, the visitors usually wear comfortable everyday clothing, even during the service.
Hats off?!
Men should remove their hats when entering a church. The background: Paul wrote in the eleventh chapter of the first letter to the Corinthians that it was unseemly for a man to come before God and pray with a head covering.
But there is another reason. Because Jewish men only appear before God with a kippa on their heads. The fact that Christians do not cover their heads arose from the desire to differentiate themselves from Judaism.
By the way, women can keep their hats on.
Christmas market in Erfurt
Image: dpa
Do I have to get up when everyone is getting up?
When the participants in a service stand up, it is a sign of appreciation for the text that is being read or spoken. According to Arnold, some also show reverence for God. But it also shows that man does not have to make himself small before God.
Standing up is basically voluntary. If you don’t want that, just sit there. Many people cannot stand well anyway for health reasons. The same applies to taking part in the Lord’s Supper: those who do not wish to take part simply remain seated.
Those who want to kneel can show their humility before God. This is especially common in confession and blessing.
May I take part in the evening meal?
When the pastor distributes wine and wafers, also known as wafers, Christians celebrate fellowship with Jesus and fellowship with one another.
In the Evangelical Church, all baptized people are allowed to take communion, in the Catholic Church only Catholics, children must have had their first communion.
Which behavior doesn’t work at all?
In a church, people seek silence, meditation and reflection. Loud shouting and noise is therefore frowned upon. Cell phones should be put on silent. Visitors should only eat or drink if they are expressly invited to do so at certain events. A smoking ban is self-evident due to applicable federal laws.
The pulpit and the altar are considered particularly venerable places because liturgical acts are performed there. Everyone in a church should approach these places with respect.
What do I do if I feel alien to the Church?
Anyone who feels insecure can approach other people. The churches usually have hymn books or programs ready so that everyone can follow the service.
Worship is also about community. Here, choristers from St. Paul’s Cathedral in London light their candles.
Image: dpa
This is how Catholic Christmas Mass works
The Christmas mass in the Catholic Church follows a precise schedule, the basic structure is that of every Catholic service worldwide. It’s different at Easter. The schedule is also in the hymn book Gotteslob under the number 582. has described it in detail, including a practical cheat sheet so that newcomers don’t get confused with sitting, standing, kneeling and singing and praying. It also states where the congregation says “Thanks be to God”, “Praise be to Christ” or “We ask you, hear us” and sings a psalm or “Hallelujah”.
Do I have to donate money at the exit?
no According to Jochen Arnold, the collections at the exit and in the collection bag are basically voluntary. Everyone gives as much as they can and want to. The money is mostly intended for a social cause, the money in the collection bag is often for a project in your own local church.
The maintenance of the church and the salary of the pastor are not affected by the collections. These are secured by the church tax.